Euclyca Hotfix!

Sometimes in life, things work. Sometimes they don't. It's okay to try new things and figure out what does and doesn't in fact... work.

So within this hotfix, let me tell you what I fixed.

-Removed the bright effects as they caused issues of being too damn bright. They would also cause crashes and performance issues. Wasn't worth keeping it in. Game should run smoother now.

-Removed pre-battle transitions as it caused major lag for some computers. As cool as it looked,

it's now a relic of the past. Just like v0.1's Card Quest.

-Removed the Steamworks stuff that was unused and lowered the overall file size a little bit. First time players should see a significant increase to their initial start-up time!

-Removed the WO Build. There is only one "default" build now. Which should work fine for everyone except for the occasional expected bugs that happen during EA.

-Added in the last side-quest that isn't a platonic quest inside of the game. You can find it in the Forgotten Temple, north of Cheshire Pass!

-Also fixed Female Ashe related issues that caused her to end up in Male Ashe's world.

That's all for now!


Euclyca v0.6 662 MB
Mar 14, 2021

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