Euclyca v0.7!

Hello and welcome to the Euclyca v0.7 Update!

This is the end of the Invasion Arc.

We are now moving into what is called the "Pre-Almadoren" Arc.

This will take place after v0.7, but before v0.8.

During this Arc, things still need to be gathered. Expect an

update soon.

This Arc is not expected to last long in terms of

story as the transition to the Almadoren Arc should happen fast

in the story.

As for the creation of the arc, it may be awhile.

So sit tight and hold on. Thank you so far for your patience.

It's important to note that this game is now 70 percent complete!

Every update is a step closer towards completion!

*No one has found the Easter Event Item yet. Time is ticking!

I decided I shall give a hint; It's in an area that was added in between v0.4.2-0.6 content. So not in a starter area including Crestella Station.

Without any more time being wasted, let us see what is new!

-The story continues! (From where it left off in v0.6).

-Added in the new areas; Path to Pinton, Pinton and Hellspire Cave.

-All enemies are now finished and will be seen throughout the game

either now or later down the road. Please check your Encylopedia tool for detailed information on each enemy as well as information about

skills, items, etc.

-Fixed an issue with the Sacred Seal skill that may or may not

have crashed some people's games.

-Added in Lyla's Flashback Chapter.

-Added in the Almadoren Boss and Battle theme.

You can hear these during boss fights/fights at certain

points in the story. You will be hearing these songs for most of the

rest of the fights when you reach the Almadoren Arc in the future.

-Fixed an issue with the Mine-Field mini-game for Male Ashe that

would accidently bring him to Female Ashe's world.

-The Invaders now give more Kala and Exp when defeated.

-Added in the final tool; Variant Randomizer.

You can find this tool from the npc; Erika in Pinton.

For a modest fee of 50k, you can reroll the dice for a chance

of a better Variant. It's really like the lottery, somewhat.

*May not function properly from continuing from current save.

Best played from a new game or waiting until The Almadoren Arc

transition to use as they will be treated as brand new characters.

-There are now 285 skills in the game. This number is set to

increase during the Almadoren Arc.

-Added in Cherry Gels into the game. A favorite item that is

in some of my other games. Cherry Gels allow you to heal your

party for 40% HP, 40% MP and 40 TP. They are very expensive, but

worth it. You may find them if you look hard enough as well.

They are sold in the Cheshire Markets by the npc Lelica. You

must be far enough in the story for this, though.

-All Character Platonic Questlines are finished and are available

at the Guardians Provisional Unit on the left side door with a blue

lion on it.

You can gain access to the Hangout Room if you are far enough in

the story and you have purchased the Hangout Key from the Antique Shop in Idlyn.

-All Side Quests are now implemented into the game and completed.

If you haven't yet, go sink your teeth into them!

-Added in the Momo Anima Card!

Greatly increases all stats within combat for all for

20 turns. Also grants HP, MP and TP Regen in battle.

-Added in some hidden secrets and goodies!

-Potions no longer restore 300HP for one ally. They now restore HP by 22 percent + an additional 219 HP for all allies. These can be summoned by Lyla or found elsewhere.

That is all for now! See you in the later future.



Euclyca v0.7 690 MB
Mar 23, 2021

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