Stealing is wrong, especially from indie developers.

It has come to my attention that my game has been illegally pirated and given away for free on different websites. The money I am making for the game is impossible to make a living on. From any of the games. I put years of my life into this game, hundreds of dollars I didn't have into a dream and I was generous with my free updates.

 I understand that the economy is rough and that people are suffering. What people are feeling now financially, I have felt all my life. It doesn't give anyone an excuse to steal from anyone in need and to just discredit them. It is like me going to your job and stealing your paycheck just before your boss gives it to you. Sure, you put in the work, you put in the hours, but do you get anything for it? No. Exiori took three whole years, I was homeless most of these years and for the amount of content and time inside of it. 25 dollars is nothing.

 Especially since people today spend an average of 30 dollars on every Uber eats order. I'm not against pirating AAA titles from greedy corporate companies who want more money because they cannot afford that extra vacation desire. But, for me, I can only dream of a vacation or a fridge that has anything it. This is disgusting behavior as someone who has been very generous with free updates and content and making some of my games free. I don't believe I deserve this. Do better and be better. 

Because of the actions of the few, I am unable to continue working as I would like and no game like Exiori or Euclyca can ever be made again thanks to people robbing me of my paycheck. As history shows, promises are usually kept and I usually gave the people more and more. I can't climb out of a hole that I was put in if the ladder keeps getting shorter and shorter.

 I appreciate the honest and supportive people who actually paid for this game and showed me that my hard work wasn't in vain. I never made games for the sole purpose of making money. But, let's not kid ourselves, without money, we can't buy anything. Without money, I cannot pay artists, I cannot work on games. If people are to just steal my paycheck every-time I work. What is the point of working? So, this is it. 2024 is the last year of Team Syukino. Hopefully, The Judge will be released this year and that shall be the last. Estellium Legends 2 was going to be resurrected, but unfortunately due to the actions of others. It will never come out. I had a wonderful time making these games and people talking about them supporting them and helping me out. But, I am just riding a dead horse into an empty waste land at this point.

Team Syukino will be shutting down by the end of 2024 to early 2025. It's time to put up the hat. I hope that people talk about the stories and continue to play the games for years to come and have great lives despite this terrible economy.  Steam already takes 30 percent of each sale. I am missing hundreds of dollars I should have already had. I have made some of my games free so that people may enjoy them. Why rob someone who already has barely anything just so you can save a few bucks. The problem is if so many do it, then I might not have made anything at all in the first place. Like now. To those who are stealing, why not just go into any store and take what you like until that store runs out of business as well. 

You apparently need those items so badly that you want to rob everyone from having what they want to get legally. Anywho, I am disappointed and I really expected better. I ask that if you find a link to this game for free, that you report it as it was never authorized in the first place and you pay for this game. Not just this one, but of any Indie game. I don't support AAA company's greed. Do whatever you wish with that, those are from a company that usually doesn't have souls. But, don't rob the struggling indie developers of any hope of a future just because you think you are entitled to everything in this world for free.

Lastly, Temi is not a Twink, he a Femboy. In case you were wondering.

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As a big fan of your games, I hope you'll still be around making awesome experiences like Exiori at some point in the future--but totally understand your feelings... it really is insane to see people pirating indie games :(

(3 edits) (+3)

Exiori and Euclyca took around 2-3 years each to make and over 10 thousand dollars out of pocket each to fund which I just don't even have anymore. As nothing released has made nearly enough to fund it even if I had another kickstarter. I still couldn't afford to fund the rest of the money and I don't have the years to sacrifice to produce such titan titles. I appreciate that you have enjoyed the games as well. My last title that is upcoming will be The Judge as it's something I can do with what I have. If anything else gets uploaded to it is probably going to be a re-upload of an older game. I will say that if you haven't played my other games, you can still enjoy low budget experiences with decent stories. Not everyone is going to like or dislike the same things. But, it's worth a try.


Thank you for all the effort you put into crafting so many experiences.  I will look forward to the Judge :)


You are welcome and thank you!


This is sad news. I have not had the chance to play any of your games yet. They look great. I have not pirated one at all as I intended to purchase them when I was more financially stable myself. I'm sorry that people constantly steal from artists such as yourself. Will the option to purchase these games still exist in the future, or will that option be closing as soon. (Ps. When I was younger I alsp wished to be a vet, but decided against it for the same reason as you.) I wish you luck in your future endeavors!


The option to purchase existing titles will not be going away. I do not wish to rob people of experiences if they so choose to pay for them. If they are free games, download them. I know everything is tough right now, so hang in there and please buy when you are financially able. Video games should not come first, food, rent and other things should. Also, the thing about the vet, that's sweet to know there are people out there like me who think the same way. Thank you for the good luck and to you as well!


It unfortunate this is how you go out, I've been a fan of yours since the early days of Euclyaca and between itch and steam own your whole library of games. The fact that this is what makes you stop of awful. I want to thank you for being such a great dev all these years as you are one of my favorite indie devs.

this is a shi**ty situation and there's not really much to say so I guess I'll leave off by saying, Thank you for all the wonderful times playing your games


You are very welcome. I appreciate that you have been a loyal supporter. I wish that more people would have talked and said things before something like this happened. However, it is what it is now and I am glad that in my time making games. That I at least left a footprint on this planet and created memories for people to enjoy. Again, hopefully I get to release The Judge this year and that will be the last game. Please look forward to any upcoming sales in the future, especially the one happening right now if you want to show your friends.


I appreciate loyal fans such as yourself because that is the very reason I started making games in the first place.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you most kindly, Syukino <3 Is there any other way you would like for me to provide some support your way? I realize that not being American or European nor greatly gifted in finances, reporting the thieves on my end to some manner of authority wouldn't do much to overturn the tide on my end, but i'll try anyway.

I would say, many persons in the NSFW spaces I follow (mostly originating from Twitter & Patreon, formerly, being pressured by such foul things and by the predations of Patreon itself), shifted over to SubscribeStar and subscription models + direct discord provision of download keys to buyers on the whole to block off this sort of thing, but that tends to depend on the size of the following in question. Just spitballing here, but however many ways I may help, just let me know.


The last time I sold keys, someone tried to say that they didn't get theres even though they activated it. So I don't want do that sort of thing anymore. Also, the best you can do is report those links on those websites, report the people hosting those games of mine or anyone elses. That is how I got the illegal Fairy Tail game (Fairy Light) taken down. I went directly to the creator of the anime Fairy Tail and it eventually got taken down. I would suggest spreading the games of mine and others and sharing it with people. There are plenty of people out there who don't know the existence of my games. Take advantage of sales, always spread the word. I am also in the upcoming game; The Judge. Definitely putting a pirate criminal in there now because of this.

(1 edit)

Just bought Exi again! I know its not much, but I'll go through the others that I hadn't yet here or on steam attained and help out.

On the matter of keys... yeah that would be the real downside in so doing whilst operating independently. I'm just trying to think of ways not to have your dream taken from you nor these stories end in this way : ( but at risk of sounding too para social, i'll stand by you no matter what.

Will report then. I would also advise in that instance you also contact the site admins and not just the posters! I likely wager you have already, but if legal action is to proceed, you must take all possible avenues of publicly and privately, with copies, making the poster and site admin crystal clearly aware the copyright holder (You) wish your image, creative property and characters reserved from public, non acquired/paid/owned view.


I have already sent cease and desist letters to the admins of different websites. I appreciate that you have bought the game and I once again thank you for your loyalty. Making video games was never quite my dream, it was just something I ended up doing. I originally wanted to be a veterinarian as I love animals. However, I cannot bring myself to put them down. Anyways to quote Final Fantasy X "Someday the dream will end."

Good RE: the C&Ds. May they be heeded.

And as beforehand mentioned on another occasion, RE: money and support, it is my pleasure truly.

RE: dreams... aye, that's the damn shape of it, sadly. But cursed be the sands in that hourglass, these good dreams end far too quickly for my liking.

Alright, seems I'm short on USD at present but I'm buy some more in course of week, expect more purchases from me on the Steam side.

I will re-buy your games, try and provide some more support as well. Trying to update my paypal, add a new card.

Oh no! I'm so extremely sorry that people have been stealing from you like this! I'm sad I will not see anything more of the stories of our characters again, but I understand that if you feel your work will not really come to great return and others would treat you so that it would do great harm to your will go on creating interactive stories at all... I just hope it doesn't kill you passion for games entirely. I love all your stories, just so you know.

People can be great, but they can also be unthinkingly cruel...

Be it that you end up staying the course with this decision, or choose a different course, I trust we who did support you, for long or short a time as we may have, will not cease hearing from you though, or the stories themselves in some way, even if not the grand interactive adventures we've loved. But you are the author, and you give them voice. 

Wheresoever the journey takes you, if you want us, we shall follow and support you. Much love always!