Upcoming Freebie + Developer Message

As a way of saying thanks to the long and loyal customers. I am going to be giving out a NSFW scene for free that was initially cut from the game. It was supposed to happen canonically near the end of the game, but it never made it in the game due to several different issues. Fortunately (albeit very late) the NSFW scene is almost near being finished and when it's done. It will be uploaded at a place where it can be viewed for free. It may or may not be patched into the game or NSFW DLC.

 But, will definitely be available for free. I just wanted to say that getting artists has been harder than ever as my fiverr account kept getting suspended for random unknown reasons. I pretty much haven't been working on a new game for the whole year and it's kinda been liberating. Of course I have been working on uh The Judge here and there especially near the end of the year, but other than spend my time updating previous titles for free, I wasn't making anything brand new.

 If you seen the Steam. You could tell in 2020, I pumped out like 4 games. Back then, I used to make them more frequently. Because of Euclyca and Exiori, they took way too much time and effort and I did spend pretty much every waking moment of every day on them and didn't goof around. I suppose it sorta burnt me out overtime.

 Microsoft Paint is also shutting down November 4th apparently and I used that a lot to edit images in my games to the right size, so making games is just something that is much harder to do. Sometimes life just comes at you out of nowhere too and I ended up getting sick so I couldn't voice act Pixel Girl anymore and I lost interest in making that and to be  honest I don't think it would have done very well or would have been worth playing so I ditched it.  Pixel Boy pretty much did a better job of what Pixel Girl was trying to do anyways.

I'm not a perfect developer and I really didn't start this journey for the purpose of making money. I am very glad that there have been people who legitimately bought, played and liked the work I created. For that, I am content. That being said, The Judge is going to be my last planned project and I hope to be able to bring it to you this year, but there are some artist issues happening right now that is out of my control. I don't want to release a demo and I am trying not to do an early access release, so that is why it's taking it's time.

 I am also not as I used to be in like 2020 etc so I am working kinda slowly due to life and my health and things in it. I want to end it on a high note. Trust me, I am not streaming other games or reading thousands of emails while I snag random donations off of patron. I'm just doing the best I can given the current situation. I don't know if The Judge will be for everyone as it's going to not exactly be like the other games I made. But, I hope at least someone out there likes it. 

I appreciate you guys and I wish you all the best in the future in whatever you choose to do. Let's survive the chaos of the current world together and let us go where the world takes us! -Team Syukino

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