Small Update (Information).
When I first set out to create this game, I thought it was going to be small. It turns out, at midway through chapter 3, I realized that it's much longer then some of my games already. Chapter 3 isn't even finished yet and it's already got a bunch of content. It will continue to gain a lot more and it has so many areas to explore. This game is a lot bigger than I had initially planned. It is for that reason that I will be raising the price from $14.99 to $19.99. I try and price my games fairly with the amount of time and content they offer. Usually, I generously under sell them for a price lesser than they are actually worth. But, since this game will be a bit on par with Euclyca in terms of length and content. It's price needs to raise. Unfortunately in this bad economy with Inflation, you have to make tough choices as well. I apologize for the inconvenience. Chapter 3 will be out later this month and so will a trailer. I want to say that all the NSFW content within this game is almost complete and they will be added in future chapters. There is only a few pieces left.
Here is Temi playing riding a dildo for your pleasure ;3
^This is an extra piece that won't appear in the game and is merely promotional. Made by the artist Deworks
On top of that, this is the patch notes for chapter 3:
Chapter 3 Update.
It's been awhile, but a lot of things had to be finished from multiple people before I was able to
put this chapter together. I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to
the next when you finish it.
Here is what is new;
-The final main party member, Yukami, joins the party
in this chapter.
-Some NSFW scenes have been added in.
-Krosuji desk scene added in at the start of the game.
-The main story continues.
-The Euclyca flashback story continues.
-Expanded the open-world map and revamped the tileset.
-Added in several new locations to explore.
-You can explore another area to the west at the start of the prologue.
-Another Soul Gem, new side characters, access to Waygates and boats unlocked.
-Explore Astrelia (The world of Restoration) that will
be available during the story in this chapter.
-More Items, Weapons and skills were added in.
-Polished some of the starter areas and every main party member has a theme song now that plays during
certain events of the story.
-Animation for Burning Spirit changed.
-Fixed some grammar.
-Pastel's Limit Break changed from Graceful Restoration to Angel Feathers X. (Basically the same, but also revives in addition to healing).
-Level cap increased from 50 to 60.
-Tons of new treasure chests and Frinkle Pages to find.
-Some hidden goodies were added in.
That's all for now. Take care and see you next time for
Chapter 4~
^ All this will take place when Chapter 3 drops later this month. None of this is in the game at this current time of v0.3. (Chapter 2) Changes will come in v0.4 (Chapter 3).Get Exiori
Hentai-Lite JRPG
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