Exiori Chapter 4 (The Truth) Out Now!

Welcome to the long awaited Exiori Chapter 4 (The Truth).

It's been awhile and I am proud to say that this long hill climb is over.

This game is now 50% complete. We are now at the half-way mark!

The second half will be a lot easier to make and SHOULD come out much 

quicker than the first half. Given that life is kind.

 But, it will still take some time especially Chapter 5 due to those planned areas.

Chapters 6-8 should be easier to make as most of the ground work should be laid out by then. Still, it will take some time.

Thank you for your support in Exiori and please look forward to more content in the future!

What is new:

-The NSFW character questlines are here!

Have fun interacting with your favorite characters, learning more

about them and then... well. You know the rest ;3.

-The story has continued, two new worlds are introduced.

Nerfelo (Falnarion Tactics Series) and Alcornagia (Solenars Edge Series). Fight your way through them and say hello to some familiar faces that are featured at the ends of Solenars Edge II: Aurora of The Seventh Dawn and Falnarion Tactics II.

-Blood Magic is now a thing and will be used by certain

characters with Blood type weapons and skills.

Blood is now a new element. Most Blood type things cause Bleeding which stacks up to massive damage.

-The level cap for the main characters has risen from level 60 to 70.

You can now get stronger than before.

-Added in more Frinkle Pages to find.

-Added in a Developer Room which is basically a place to test

out battles with almost any character you want, alive or dead.

You can also view the NSFW stuff here in a gallery type thing.

You need to finish all of the NSFW quests in order to unlock it.

Once you've done that, interact the fireplace. You must beat chapter 4 and get the airship before you can access the dev room.

-You can now interact with the prayer statue and obtain blessings from it in Teseldaima.

-Gruntrotto is now available.

-Changed the overworld music for Teseldaima.

-Airship is now unlocked for use at the end of the chapter.

-Mooshroom Forest is now available.

-The final Soul Gem can now be utilized.

-Added in more character bios.

-Krosuji now has a revival skill that he can have from the start of the game; Defibrillator.

<Already mentioned, but still added earlier in this Chapter>

-The last of the Euclyca flashbacks are now complete.

No more will happen going forward in the game's story.

-Utalia Temple is now accessible.

-The Kraken Arena is now unlocked.

You must talk to Aren in his home before you can access it.

Complete all ranks of the Arena to unlock the Demonic Heart as

well as the Blood Scythe for Temi.

-More playable characters for moments in the story.

-Other hidden goodies.


-Buffed the ATK of the Blood Scythe slightly.

-Nerfed a boss at the start of chapter 3, slightly.

-The skill Well Done no longer gives Earth  Attributes to the target, but has a chance to cause Burn instead.

-Temi's map sprite has a tail now, which was missing before.

-Fixed some wrong skill animations.

-Nerfed Yukami's Ult; Send to Heaven, as it was way too strong.

-Fixed a problem where a future cutscene would show up in Oroon Cave too early if you went there with Lumina in

Chapter 0. Due to this fix, the cutscene may play again in Oroon Cave if you are going through the area. On a new

playthrough, this won't be an issue. If this happens on your continued one, then just skip it.

-Mitsu's Limit Break has been changed from Total Eclipse into Total Eclipse Nightmare. Basically the same thing,

just a name change.

<Already mentioned before, but still added in this chapter>

-Added in some equipment and revival items to the Mooshroom

shop keeper in the Hundred Acre Hood. (Make sure to use Pooh's Pure Intentions skill to revive if you don't have items in that area). Hint: Use your Limit Breaks like crazy and try to get them quickly if you are fighting a tough enemy.

-Lumina now tells you to look for the Obeskia Herb bushes when you first interact with the rock if you aren't supposed to yet. This will help people that are confused and don't know where to go.

-Certain state skills like buffs and debuffs, now have an animation to accompany them while they are active. Just like in Euclyca.

<Last call>

If you would like to add in a custom character in Exiori. You may do so by requesting one. There are only a limited amount of slots for characters and it will cost you money via paypal. This has been done before as Nino, Halcyone and Ibuki are custom characters that have been paid to be in the game. Once chapter 5 is released. No more custom characters will be accepted. This is limited time offer.

 *Offer limited to only four people*.

Thanks for being here, -Syukino.


Exiori v0.5.zip 954 MB
Oct 23, 2022

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