Exiori X-Mas Update!

Exiori X-mas Update!

Here is what is new;

(Happy Holidays!)


-New side boss, inside of the Chimera Arena.

-Added in another arena; The Chimera Arena.

You can fight through this to unlock a special weapon for Pastel.

Also well as the best-in-slot headpiece of the game.

The final boss of the arena is also X-mas themed.

-Added in a NSFW scene with Temi that you can find by interacting

with the NPC; Dorma, in the Yorusami Mansion.

*You must beat chapter 6 in order to access the above content*.


-There is an issue that very few have come across that when leaving the Lylolen Ruins, the boat disapears, leaving you stranded at the dock. This issue has now been resolved for those who have dealt with it.

-Fixed the Vial of Honor to only be able to be used on a dead

target as intended.

-Added in Abandoned Arena. A side area to explore.


Elruna and Meeth's sprites are finished!

Again, happy holidays to you and yours!

A very special thank you to those who have stuck around

through everything. You guys are the real heroes!


Exiori Xmas Update.zip
Dec 24, 2022

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